North West Georgia

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Yellow Background Hiking Icon = Appalachian Trail Trailheads

North West Georgia

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Keown Falls Loop Trail: 34.614403, -85.086923
Cloudland Canyon State Park: 34.828453, -85.484718
Coopers Furnace/Laurel Ridge Trail: 34.164552, -84.732828
Fort Mountain State Park - Gahuti Trail: 34.759231, -84.692128
AT - Springer Mountain: 34.627312, -84.193527
AT - Amicalola Falls State Park: 34.561666, -84.247404
AT - Gooch Gap: 34.676480, -84.000468
AT - Hightower Gap: 34.652845, -84.137877
Miller Gap: 34.704955, -83.988150
Amicalola Falls State Park: 34.563503, -84.246141
Chickamauga Creek Trail: 34.712479, -85.162840